What is Biblical Counseling
Biblical Counseling is built upon a simple principle that our Creator has spoken to our current life situation and to all of its problems through the Scriptures. We do not look at the Bible as another best selling self-help book that will bring happiness, but we view it as helping us develop a real and vibrant relationship with our Creator through Jesus Christ. Biblical Counseling confers hope and encouragement through the scriptures. Within the context of this relationship is where change takes place….
Our approach will move us beneath the themes of our lives and into the heart issues that so often cloud our vision and bring about responses to life that are broken and hopeless. In inviting Christ into a dialogue about our heart we will begin to see deep lasting change brought about by the God who considers us His beloved children.

This does not mean that you must be a Christian to profit from our counseling, though it is our hope that all who comes to us for counseling will take a serious look at the idea of change taking place in the context of a relationship with Christ.
At the Right Marriage, our worldview and theory for counseling is uniquely Christian, and specifically Protestant. In fact, at our inception in May 2016, our commitment to the authority of Scripture persuaded us to decline the seeking of state licensure in order to avoid any actual or potential conflicts of interest with regard to secular counseling ethics, and what we hold as true concerning the ministry of God's word. Despite this commitment, we are clinically-informed, meaning that we do consider that secular sources do make helpful observations concerning the nature of counseling issues.
We practice what is commonly referred to as biblical counseling. Rooted in the careful interpretation and application of God's word to life's dominating problems, biblical counseling can rightly be described as a form of Christian discipleship, designed to promote the counselee's own sanctification (i.e. growth in Christ-likeness). This means that Christ-centered heart-change, rather than man-centered behavior modification, is our desired outcome.
Despite our primary reliance on Scripture for counseling, God's word is never applied in a legalistic manner. We understand that while God's law is good, it's purpose and design by God is to point us to the gospel of grace found in Jesus Christ alone.
Along with these truths, we acknowledge that to be human is to possess both a body and a soul. While it is not our role to care for the physical body, we acknowledge the truth of sin's effects upon our bodies, and the need for proper medical care. We hold that our function is to help shepherd a person's heart, while medical doctors tend to the needs of the body. As such, we do not diagnose clinical illness, or prescribe or manage medication. We do recommend that counselees follow their doctor's orders as to these important health issues.