Navigating troublesome times alone can make even small problems seem insurmountable. Isolation can wreak havoc in your mind, convincing you that no one else could understand what you’re experiencing.

Whether you’re struggling with relationship issues, anxiety, depression or any other personal challenge, individual Christian biblical counseling offers a safe and healing way forward, based on Scripture and evidence-based faith-based counseling.

Why choose Christian biblical counseling?
We use a biblical solution-focused and future-focused approach where we integrate modern research, coaching techniques and counselling skills to help you to identify and overcome the challenges you’re facing in your relationships and/or life. We understand that everyone’s Christian faith journey is unique to the individual. We desire to extend the hope and love of Christ to you during the dark, difficult moments of your life.

What does individual counseling offer?
When you schedule a 30 min risk-free initial session, we will talk with you to help set your treatment goals and get to know you as a person. We will walk beside you throughout your counseling journey, offering compassion, a listening ear, and therapy that is tailored to your personality, situation, and needs. Our counseling and coaching style is warm, uplifting, produces results, and offers value for time and money. We cover a huge amount in most sessions and you then have ample time in between sessions for you to make progress on your goals. You’ll be given loads of tools, skills and insights that will help you to achieve your ideal relationships and life and you’ll take this knowledge away for life, too.

Do you need individual counseling?
Here are some of the issues we often address from a biblical Perspective with our valued clients:
  • Anxiety and depression
  • Relationship issues
  • Trauma recovery
  • Addiction recovery
  • Grief and loss
  • Loneliness
  • Faith issues
  • Adjusting to life changes
  • Support for family issues, parenting, etc.
If any of these or other issues are causing difficulty or concern in your life, consider scheduling your first session today.

It’s normal to feel nervous or unsure when you start counseling. At The Right Marriage, our goal is always to listen to your story, connect you to the love of Christ, and help you walk through your situation with grace.

How long does individual counseling last?
Each treatment plan involves an individual approach based on your needs and availability. Sometimes three months of weekly sessions can help you achieve a specific outcome. Some clients come to counseling for years for support, ongoing accountability, and encouragement.

Individual counseling can be one of the best investments you make in your future self. If you’re struggling, reach out for help. We offer both phone and zoom teleconferencing options.
Contact us to find out what is best for you or call us at 813-260-9740

Counseling Session Format
Counseling and Coaching is done on the telephone or in-person and each session typically lasts for 60-90 minutes.

Finally, we are highly qualified to meet all your premarital counseling needs:

Certified Marriage and Relationship Educator and Specialist.
Certified Biblical Family Therapist
Certified Christian Restorative Therapist
Certified Professional Marriage/ Relationship Christian Coach
Certified Professional Christian Leadership Coach
Certified S.Y.M.B.I.S and Prepare & Enrich Assessment Facilitator
Certified Christian Marriage Mentor
Certified Marriage on The Rock Leader

Free 30-45min Consultation Session
Contact Us to schedule a FREE consultation to allow you to experience the benefits that we can offer you. Call us......813-260-9740